IMR Press / CEOG / Volume 46 / Issue 1 / DOI: 10.12891/ceog4329.2019
Open Access Case Report
Prenatal diagnosis of femoral hypoplasia-unusual facies syndrome associated to sacral hemivertebra
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1 Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Medicine Unit. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular Materno Infantil de Canarias. Avda Marítima del Sur, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
*Correspondence: (R. GARCIA RODRIGUEZ)
Clin. Exp. Obstet. Gynecol. 2019, 46(1), 131–135;
Published: 10 February 2019

Femoral hypoplasia-unusual facies syndrome (FH-UFS), also known as femoral-facial syndrome, is an extremely rare condition. The diagnostic criteria for this entity include: femoral hypoplasia in association with facial dysmorphism. Its pathogenesis is unknown. However, it has been associated with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus during pregnancy. The present is a case of a pregnant woman with type-2 diabetes mellitus with a 17-year disease course without associated complications. The first-trimester screening ultrasound study revealed a female fetus with micrognathia and low-set ears. On week 22+4 of pregnancy, ultrasound showed a fetus with micrognathia, bilateral femoral agenesis, and hemivertebra at the S3-S4 level associated with a skin defect at the same level.

Femoral agenesis
Diabetes mellitus

Femoral hypoplasia-unusual facies syndrome (FH-UFS), is also known as femoral-facial syndrome. The main findings are micrognathia associated with femoral agenesis or hypoplasia of different degrees. Its pathogenesis is unknown. The prenatal diagnosis is possible also in the first trimester of pregnancy. It has been associated with insulindependent diabetes mellitus during pregnancy, where early ultrasound scan diagnosis would be beneficial given its prognosis.

Case Report

A 39-year-old woman, with a previous miscarriage, was referred to the present unit at 12 weeks of gestation for fetal micrognathia. She had type-2 diabetes with a 17-year disease course and obesity with a body mass index of 32. The family history was unremarkable. Pregnancy was achieved spontaneously without preconceptional care. On week 9 of her pregnancy, her blood level of glycosylated hemoglobin was 11.6% (HBA1c) in laboratory tests was assessed on week 9 of pregnancy. The first-trimester screening ultrasound study revealed a female fetus with marked micrognathia and low-set ears (Figure 1A); the nuchal translucency was 1.5 mm and other anatomical findings were unremarkable. Laboratory results showed βhCG level of 0.3 MoM and PAPP-A level of 0.5 MoM. A chorionic villous sample was performed and the study showed a normal fetal karyotype, 46 XX.

Figure 1.

— Micrognathia. A: 3D reconstruction of the micrognatia and the low set ears in the first trimester. B and C: Micrognathia at 22 weeks.

The patient failed to attend pregnancy control visits and ultrasound studies planned for weeks 16 and 20-22. She returned on week 22+4 of pregnancy for an ultrasound study, which showed severe fetal micrognathia (Figures 1B, C) and right femur agenesis. The left femur was difficult to examine, although it seemed to be hypoplasic (13 mm); the remaining of the long bones were normal (Figures 2A and B).

Figure 2.

— A: 22 weeks, fetal pelvis with female external genitalia (short arrow) and no visualization of bilateral fetal femur (long arrow). B: 3D reconstruction of the fetal limbs, bilateral absent of thighs, and both femurs. C: Sacral hemivertebra. D, E: sacral skin defect and 3D reconstruction.

Feet were normal, except for both fifth toes, which was in a wrong position towards the external side. A sacral hemivertebra was observed at the S3-S4 level, associated with a skin defect at that level, without neural tube defects (Figures 2C-E). All other anatomical findings were normal. Femoral hypoplasia-unusual facies syndrome was diagnosed. The patient decided to proceed with legal termination of pregnancy. Fetal postmortem anatomopathological and X-ray studies confirmed agenesis of the right femur and severe hypoplasia of the left femur, presence of only three sacral vertebrae including one hemivertebra in the S2-S3 segment, micrognathia, low-set ears, and a sacral bone profusion, which appeared like a truncated spine associated with partial caudal regression syndrome (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

— Postnatal findings. The fetus presented micrognathia, thin upper lip, short nose with broad tip, upstanding palpebral fissures (A), absent thigh (B), skin defect with a bone protrusion (C). Fetal X-ray: micrognathia and absent bilateral femurs, sacral hemivertebra with only three sacral vertebrae.


FH-UFS (OMIM 134780), also known as femoral-facial syndrome, is an extremely rare entity[1].

Its main characteristics are: micrognathia associated with unilateral or bilateral femoral hypoplasia or aplasia of different degrees. This deficiency occurs in 0.1-0.2/10,000 births with the bilateral form corresponding to only 10- 15% of cases [2].

Is a rare anomaly syndrome of unknown etiology, although it is known to be associated with maternal type 1 diabetes mellitus [3]. Insulin dependent diabetic mothers are known to have two- to three-fold higher risk of congenital anomalies than the general population [4, 5].

In most cases of FH-UFS, the type of inheritance is sporadic, although cases of family background have been described with dominant autosomal inheritance [6, 7]. Recently, the duplication 22q37.2 has been proposed as a genetic cause for the femur phenotype in a girl affected by FH-USFS, but only one case is reported in the literature [8]. Other contributing factors described are exposure to drugs (thalidomide), viral infections, radiation, and focal ischemia or trauma [1, 2] as well as severe fetal constraint secondary to oligohydramnios [9].

A review of the literature in PubMed database for prenatally diagnosed cases with absent or hypoplasic femur and micrognathia, or characteristic facial findings of this condition was performed.

Micrognathia and shortened femur can be demonstrated by ultrasonographic imaging in early stage of pregnancy (Table 1). Thirteen cases are published prenatally and only three cases have been reported in the first trimester [10, 12, 17].

10.12891/ceog4329.2019.t0001 Table 1Reported cases of FH-UFS with prenatal diagnosis criteria.
Case Reference DM GA (w) Bilateral Femoral hypo/aplasia Other bone hypo/aplasia Facial anomalies Other anomalies Outcome Postnatal findings
1 Tadmor 10(1993) + 32 + + Cleft lip/palate - Cleft lip and palate, short thigh, short proximal arms,sloping shoulders, hypoplastic left scapula, cryptorchidism, shawl scrotum, single palmar creases
2 Baraitser11(1994) Ns ¿ + - Micrognathia Preaxial polidactyly Characteristic face, clef palate
3 Robinow7 (1995) - 25 + - Micrognathia - Term delivery Characteristic face, clef palate, short thigs
4 Paladini12 (2007) - 21 + - Cleft lip/palate, micrognathia Unilateral renal agenesis TOP Severe bilateral and asymmetricfemoral hypoplasia, elongated philtrum, thin upper lip, epicanthus, unilateral renal agenesis, shortneck and a pelvis with vertically orientated iliac blades
5 Paladini12 (2007) + 21 + - Micrognathia, low set ears - TOP Cleft palate, mandible, elongated philtrum, thin upper lip, severe unilateral hypoplasia of the left femur, severemicrognathia and low-set ears
6 Paladini12(2007) - 13 + - Micrognathia - TOP Severely hypoplasticfemora, an abnormal left foot and moderate micrognathia
7 Figueroa13 (2009) - 21 + - Micrognathia - TOP Severe bilateral femoral hypoplasia, micrognathia, low-set ears
8 Castro 14(2014) + 13 + - Micrognathia, nasal hypoplasia, elongated philtrum, thin upper lip - Severe micrognathia, short nose, elongated philtrum, thin upper lip, upstanding palpebral fissure, cleft palate
9 Silvas15 (2013) - 14+4 + - - Mild pielectasis, patellar malposition TOP Micrognathia, elongated philtrum, low-set ears, short neck, campodactyly, arthrogryposis, axillary and inguinal pterigium, talipes equino-varus, ectopic, hypoplasic and multicystic right kidney, ureteral dilatation.
10 Silvas15 (2013) - 16 + - Micrognathia Umbilical cyst x2, percretta placenta previa TOP Bilateral femoral shortening, micrognathia, hypertelorism, low-set ears, cleft palate.
11 Nowaczyk16(2010) + 12 + + Severe micrognathia, upturned nose, prominent cheeks Sacral segmentaldysgenesis, and left humeroradial synostosis, Term delivery Micrognathia , narrow mouth and full cheeks, a short nose with anterverted nares and a broad tip, and a long philtrum, glossoptosis, with an U-shaped cleft soft palate,short neck. The proximal segments of both arms were short, the thighs absent, bilateral clubfeet, overriding toes, fork-like 2- 3 toe syndactyly, symphalangism of both thumbs and overlapping fingers. Absent right femur, severe shortening of left femur, bilateral humeroradial synostosis, a fracture of the proximal right radius, 11 pairs of ribs, and a sacrum convex to the right with only 3 vertebra.
12 Nowaczyk (2010) + 15 + Sacral vertebraewere disorganized. Bilateral cerebral ventriculomegaly. TOP Small mouth with marked retrognathia and hypoplastic mandible, long philtrum, thin upper vermilion border, and bilateral low-set dysplastic ears, cleft soft palate and glossoptosis. The upper limbs showed contractures at the shoulders with pterygia across the axillae, bilateral club feet, renal hypoplasia,absent uterus and vagina with normal ovaries, bilobed lungs,and hydrocephalus, bilateral humeroradial synostosis, bilateral severe hypoplasia of the femora and disorganized sacrum.
13 Our case + 22+4 + - Severe micrognathia Low-set ears, 5th toe malposition sacral hemivertebra (S3-S4), skin defect at such level TOP Severe micrognathia, facial dysmorphia, short nose, elongated philtrum, thin upper lip, low set ears, 3 sacral vertebrae and hemivertebra.

DM: diabetes mellitus. GA (w): gestational age (weeks).

The present authors propose that it is important to perform early ultrasound imaging studies to diabetic pregnant women, due to the increased risk of fetal malformations. In the present case, even when micrognathia was found in the first-trimester ultrasound study, femoral hypoplasia was not detected that early.

Prenatal diagnosis is possible but generally, only the femoral defect is detected and most cases are diagnosed postnatally [17-29].

The associated facial dysmorphism include: micrognathia, cleft lip and cleft palate, small nose with a broad tip, long philtrum, thin upper lip, and upslanting palpebral fissures. Other associated are detailed in Table 2. This is the third reported case of prenatal finding of a hemivertebra associated with this syndrome.

10.12891/ceog4329.2019.t0002 Table 2 — FH-UFS associated abnormalities.
Craniofacial MicrognathiaFacial fissureSmall nose with a wide tipLong philtrumThin upper lip Upslanting palpebral fissures HipertelorismGlossoptosisLow set earsShort neck
Skeleton Dysgenesis of the sacrumHumeroradial synostosis Absence or hypomorphism of tibia or fibula SyndactylyPolydactylyTalipesClub-feetOverriding toesHemivertebraAxilar and inguinal pterigium
CNS HydrocephalusVentriculomegalyPartial agenesis of corpus callosumDefects in neuronal migrationHeterotopy
Genitourinary Renal dysplasiaRenal agenesisMulticystic kidneyAnomalies of the collector systemPelvic kidneysCryptorchidsmHypoplasia of labia or penisAbsent uterus and vaginaMacropenis
Other Certain cardiovascular anomalies

The use of 3D ultrasound imaging could enhance the diagnostic capacity of ultrasonography for minor facial dimorphisms such as epicanthus, short nose with a wide tip, pronounced lip philtrum or thin upper lip.

Differential diagnosis include: anophthalmia syndrome, focal femoral dysplasia, femur-tibia-fibula syndrome, caudal regression syndrome, campomelic dysplasia kypomelic dysplasia, and Antley Bixler syndrome and are detailed in Table 3.

10.12891/ceog4329.2019.t0003 Table 3FH-UFS Differential diagnosis.
Findings Femoral hypoplasia unusual fascies syndrome ACRO syndrome-anophtalmia, opthalmo acromelic syndrome, syndactily syndrome, Waardenburg type extremity defects Focal femoral dysplasia Caudal regression syndrome Femur, Tibia, Fibula syndrome Campomelic Dysplasia
Femur Femoral hypoplas1a or aplasia, generally asymmetricalVariable degree of shortening Hypoplasia Femoral shortening classified 5 types·Type 1, simple femoral hypoplasiaType II, short femur with angled dyaphisisType Ill, short femur with coxa varaType JV, absence or defect of proximal femurType V, rudimentary or absent femur Femoralhypoplas1a Variable degree of shorteningGenerally unilateral Symmetrical shorteningModerate to severe bowing
Other long bones Humeroradial dysostosisAbsence or hypomorphism of tibia or fibula Tibia and fibula hypoplasia Talipes Tibia Tibia bowing more marked than femoral bowing.Hypoplasic fibula
Face MicrognathiaFacial fissureSmall nose with a wide tipLong philtrumThin upper lipUpslanting palpebral fissure Cleft lip, cleft palate Normal - Normal MicrognatiaFacial fissure
Scapula Hypoplasic sometimes - - - - Hypoplasic scapula
Genito-urinary Renal dysplasiaRenal agenesisMult1cystic kidneyAnomalies of the collector systemPelvic kidneysCryptorchidsmHypoplasia of labia or penisMacropenis No No Renal agenesisHorseshoe kidney Ambiguous genitaliaXY sex reversal
Other SyndactylyPolydactylyTalipesDysgenesis of the sacrumCentral nervous system and cardiac abnormalities Unilateral or bilateral anophthalmia, syndactyly, brachyidactylyMetacarpal/metatarsal fusionCarpal/Tarsal bone fusionClinodactyly of the fifth fingerWidely separated nipples Inguinal and umbilical hernias Sacral and lumbar vertebrae dysgenesis, pelvic anomalies , club-feet, joint contractures Occasional ventriculomegalyCardiac anomaliesTalipes
Prognosis Limb mobility limitation, speech and feeding impairment due to facial alterations Important orthopedic problemsBlindness Types I, II and III have few repercussions but require surgical procedures for coxa or vara correction, or lenght discrepancy in unilateral affected cases.Types IV and V require much more complex procedures with prosthetics and arthrodesis Lethal
Genetics - Autosomal recessive - - - Autosomal recessive SOX-0 de novo mutation

The authors thank Marta Pakovich for the contribution of the pictures. Pathology Department of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular Materno Infantil de Canarias.

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